Saturday, August 16, 2008

Weight Loss Disasters Like Anorexia and Bulimia Can Be Avoided

It's not hard to understand how people young and old can fall victim to horrible diseases like Anorexia and Bulimia. Everyday we are bombarded with unrealistic body images and at the same time bombarded by unhealthy food choices, and society makes both seem irresistible. People become trapped in the weight loss weight gain cycle and look for an easy way out.

Typically people who become anorexic or Bulimic do so because they are interested in losing weight. They want to lose weight in order to look a certain way. They feel that they cannot lose the amount of weight they want simply by diet or exercising normally so they develop these unhealthy habits. in order to shed these pounds quickly they go looking for alternatives and sometimes find that anorexia or bulimia fit their needs.

In reality these types of actions create weight loss but not healthy weight loss and even worse they can create addiction to the anorexia or bulimia. These types of weight loss decisions can lead to severe health problems and even death. Finding an alternative to anorexia and bulimia is not hard. But the mindset of an anorexic or bulimic is hard to circumvent. The best way to avoid these pitfalls is to find a safer alternative.

What most of these people who turn to drastic measures such as anorexia and bulimia do not know is that their bodies are most likely suffering from harmful substances living in side their bodies. These harmful substances will keep them from losing weight. The body's first instinct is to protect itself and that means storing up extra fat to help it fight off illnesses and provide extra energy.

A healthy body that has been purged of these substances will shed excess weight naturally. The body will no longer need these extra pounds to protect it from the harmful substances that are living off of the extra weight. If more anorexics and bulimics could have found this simple truth out before they took such drastic measures to change the way they look lives could be saved.

There is help more and more people are discovering a way to purge their bodies of the very substances that are keeping them from losing weight and keeping it off. Don't cave to the pressures of society avoid the trappings of anorexia and bulimia.

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