Saturday, October 4, 2008

Anerexia - Deadly Eating Disorder - Anorexia

The vicious eating disorder known to all as anorexia is one of the most deadly out there. More common in females than males, it's estimated that 1% of all teenage girls have this disorder, and that out of that 1%, up to 10% may die from it.
The individual with this disorder believes they are obese or overweight and have a very poor self-image of themself. In an attempt to quickly lose weight by whatever means necessary, people with anorexia have been known to starve themselves, take laxatives in order to expell food from the body, and it many cases extreme amounts of exercise. Any of these three are
enough to take a terrible toll on the body.

Don't confuse anorexia with bulimia. Anorexia is when a person refuses to eat (or eats very little). Bulimia is when a person consumes large amounts of food (binging) and then force themself to vomit in back up (purging). Both stem from an incredibly poor image of self and the person thinking or feeling extremely overweight, but they are very different diseases.

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