Sunday, October 12, 2008

Eating Late Will Make You Fat - A Very Deep-Rooted Fallacy

Eating late at night does necessarily lead to gaining weight as long as you do not gain more calories than you can burn. Eating late can only you make fat when you take high-calorie, low-nutrient foods like snacks, burgers and chips. It is a very wrong idea that taking dinner in the night can make you obese. Therefore, most Americans try to skip their dinners in the night after they are late from work. But, you can take your dinner at whatever time you want in the night keeping an eye on the amount of your calories intake.
You should try to take healthy dinner less on fats and more on carbohydrates.

* Try to avoid potato chips and fries that usually accompany late night TV.

* Try to cut on the post-dinner desserts also.

Well, in any case the amount of calories that you consume has to be controlled when you eat during the day also. This deep-rooted idea that eating late can make you fact has emerged from the logic that a person definitely burns lesser calories than he consumes during his sleep due to inactivity. But, it is a less known fact that during slumber, a person' body produces a hormone called HGH (Human growth hormone) which aids in burning of fats and expedite the metabolism.

The fact of the matter is that the body is able to do better digestion in the night and has a higher metabolism than in the day time when a person is stressed due to work. Therefore, if the right quality of foods is taken in the night it can lead to maximum growth. Finally, the HGH factor makes sure that you cannot put on weight by eating late in the night. However, the HGH can also not prevent you from gaining pounds once you start taking more fatty foods in the night.

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