Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Overeating - Why You Might Be Overeating

If you're currently trying to lose weight, identifying whether or not there is some overeating at play becomes critically important.

Overeating is a big problem because weight loss will basically boil down to how many calories you've consumed versus how many calories you've burned.

If you aren't burning more than you are consuming, you aren't losing weight.

So, it doesn't really matter how great of a diet you are following, if you have a tendency to overeat and when do so, put yourself over your caloric balance, you will then gain weight.

There are many reasons why overeating can take place so determining what is at the root of the issue will really be a step in the right direction for overcoming this issue.

Here are three common reasons you may find this becoming an issue.

Oversized Dishes

If the food is there - you may just eat it. It's amazing how many people tend to lose track of how much food they are consuming when it's sitting there on their plate.

Far too many of us have the 'clean your plate' mindset, which basically means that if you are dishing up more food, you're therefore taking more in.

To quickly recover from this problem, buy smaller plates. It really can be that easy in some instances.

Eating Triggers

The next thing you should be doing is identifying the emotional triggers that will cause you to eat. This could be anything from stress, to being in a good mood, to feeling tired (when you really just need sleep), to whatever is applicable to you.

While identifying it definitely will not stop it from happening, but bringing it out in the open you can then address it much more easily.

Too Much Working Out

Finally, this last one may shock some people. If you work out with too much intensity, too often, this can actually serve to work against you.

You see, while you definitely do want to be getting good exercise sessions in, when these sessions become overly intense and you're not recovering from them, the body will tend to increase its appetite, trying to get you to eat more so that you supply more than enough reserves to recover.

The issue is that while you definitely do need fuel to recover, you don't need 'more than enough'. Plus, more often than not, more time is actually what you really need, rather than more food.

So, in order to keep hunger in check, workout with intensity, but also be sure you aren't overdoing it.
Keep these three factors in mind and then think of others that could be at play with you.

Overeating is a hard thing to stop once started, but step by step it is possible.

Learn more about successful dieting techniques and end to your battle with weight loss permanently.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Shannon_Clark

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