Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Who Is A Great Example?

Right off the bat I can give two examples of people who sabotage being healthy. And that is what it is all about. The bottom line is being healthy. One person couldn't stay married, and kept offering a drink until he made someone else sick. Another person offered food until someone was sick--a week after being in the hospital for being really sick and having multiple surgeries over several years. So the person who is the healthiest person has to pass the test of having a healthy family life as they look and act healthy. Notice I didn't say "happy" family life! Happy is just surface unless you live with someone and can really tell they are "happy." Being content is leagues ahead of what most people in this world have.

How can I say it is easy to find someone who is healthy? Because healthy people are all around us. They live to 100. Finding someone who is really old is one of the easiest ways to find a healthy person. This doesn't mean go find the sickest old person you can, but someone who is living and mobile. Someone who is active and can carry on a fun argument. Small children are happy and laugh more than adults, but that doesn't mean they eat healthy, and that sure doesn't mean they are healthy! They can give you the measles!

So finding someone who is healthy to be a mentor is easy. This person is generous, eats healthy foods, loves to have fun with movement, laughs and loves to say good things. This person has what it takes to be a mentor. This person is the one looking in the mirror until they are 100.

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