Monday, September 8, 2008

A Binge Eating Disorder Is Treatable

If you overeat on a regular basis in order to cope with stress or negative feelings then it is quite possible that you suffer from a binge eating disorder. In addition, the over eater feels even worse after they have finished their binge. An important point to note is that this condition is treatable. Therefore, please consult a physician as soon as possible if you suffer from this condition.

A binge eating disorder is seen as compulsive overeating where the person eats a large amount of food without being able to stop eating or control their eating. These episodes can last for a couple of hours at a time. In some cases, the individual will eat off and on all day long. They will eat when they are not hungry and will not stop eating even when they are completely full. Another symptom is that they could eat so fast that they do not even register what they have just eaten.

As you can see, a binge eating disorder can be extremely harmful. It leaves the person with feelings of guilt and feeling depressed. These negative feelings just add to the problem of over-eating. This eating disorder affects both men and women. Whereas, other eating disorders such as bulimia and anorexia affect mainly women. For most people, the only way out of it is professional help. The first step to get out of this downward spiral is to tell someone that you have a problem.

Another tip to help overcome a binge eating disorder is not being so hard on yourself. Do not beat yourself up. Learn from your mistakes and move on. In addition, do not keep so much food at home. Try to figure out what causes you to overeat. What are the triggers that cause the overeating? Of course the most important step is to seek professional help, you cannot do it all on your own.

Binge eating disorder is the most common eating disorder in the United States. However, it does not receive as much attention as the purging disorders like anorexia nervosa and bulimia. These conditions are likened to substance abuse. They all involve obsessive thoughts and an overwhelming compulsion to over consume. The individual feeling overwhelmed by different feelings such as guilt and shame usually follows this.

Only recently have researchers and scientists discovered a number of brain messengers that are involved in the hunger, eating and satiation. This will allow doctors to develop better methods for treating people with a binge eating disorder. When a person with this form of addiction seeks help, the goal is for them to be able to eat when they are hungry, and not when there is something in their life that is causing stress. Treatment will also teach the individual when to stop eating when they are full. Changes in eating habits will not happen overnight. It is important to stay positive and trust your doctor or therapist. If you do not have the trust in the person treating you then it is highly advisable to change therapists. Trust is important in treating any form of eating disorder.

In conclusion, a binge eating disorder is treatable. However, anyone suffering from any kind of eating disorder should consult with a therapist or a physician to help solve the eating problem.

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