Sunday, September 28, 2008

The creative therapies and eating disorders

The creative therapies and eating disorders.

Ed. by by Stephanie L. Brooke.

C.C. Thomas


292 pages




As a cross-cultural survey indicates, eating disorders do not only afflict Western teenage girls. Brooke (sociology and psychology, U. of Phoenix) introduces 16 case studies employing the creative arts as individual and group treatment options for anorexia, bulimia nervosa, and related self-injurious behavior linked to psychological, developmental, biological, and cultural factors. Contributors treat adults, adolescents, and children with body image disturbances, depression, and obsessive-compulsive tendencies through modalities including art therapy, play therapy, music therapy, poetry, psychodrama, dance/movement therapy, the Sesame Approach blending movement and storytelling, and spirituality. The book includes definitions of terms, approach application tips, and examples of patient art.

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